We need two volunteers to help with a clerical task in the parish office on Tuesday mornings twice a month (every other week) from 9:00am to approximately 12:00pm.
Descriptions /
We are in need of volunteers at the parish who can help us with our ministries. Below are descriptions for some volunteer opportunities.
Lectors read the First Reading, the Second Reading, and/or the Prayers of the Faithful. Lectors must have a clear reading voice, and attend a training to learn how to properly project their voices in the Cathedral Basilica. Lectors are scheduled to read at the mass they usually attend.
Ushers hand out bulletins to arriving parishioners and welcome all to the Cathedral Basilica. Ushers get to know those coming in that are new and they help direct people to their seats for Mass or with whatever a person needs while at the Cathedral Basilica.
Become a Docent at Cathedral Basilica of St. Joseph
If you are a fan of art, architecture and local history, consider volunteering as a docent of Cathedral Basilica of St. Joseph. Our docents offer guided tours to visitors from near and far. This beautiful and inspiring building is in downtown San Jose. Training for new docents begins in July.
If you are interested in serving or have questions, contact Patricia Graaff by phone 408-997-0511 or email [email protected]
Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist give the Eucharist during communion. To volunteer in this position, ministers must go to a training to learn the proper way of giving the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.
RCIA Team Leaders implement and coordinate the Catechumenate. Those in this position typically have professional ministerial formation or religious education.
The responsibilities are as follows:
To commit myself to personal growth in faith.
To enrich my knowledge and catechetical skills by participation in catechist formation and spiritual renewal activities offered in the parish.
Communicating the message of our faith.
Leading participants to a deeper connection with liturgy and worship
Promoting moral formation.
Teaching to pray.
Building Christian community
Motivating participants to mission and service. To teach the curriculum of our parish, using my catechetical text as primary resource. To prepare weekly one hour lesson plan incorporating
varied methods suitable for my group. To arrive at least 15 minutes before my session begins,
organized and prepared to teach.
To participate in catechist meetings for planning, sharing, prayer and community building.
To love, respect, and pray for the children of my group to the best of my ability.
To develop a partnership with parents through sharing, communication, and special
catechetical events offered by the parish.
Volunteer in the Office of Social Ministry
Contact Sharon Miller [email protected] for volunteering opportunities.
Marriage Preparation:
Help out with the quarterly Engaged Encounter Retreats - either in the kitchen preparing breakfast and lunch, or with the classes that are in both Español and English.